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A Libra's Libros

Stories are teachers that entertain and inspire. We are storytellers all of us.

A Middle Grade Book Full of Heart

After Ever After - Jordan Sonnenblick

While taking a break from an enjoyable yet too-much-of-a-brain-workout-for-a-lazy-evening nonfiction book, I went for a more playful read in Jordan Sonnenblick's After Ever After (the sequel to Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie). What a great choice if I do say so myself.


Sonnenblick is the author of the month in one of my Goodreads groups, and after reading Dangerous Pie, I discovered that his target audience is more middle grade than young adult. Although it was an easy read, it did make me chuckle quite a bit. And whenever a book (or anything really) makes me laugh out loud, I take notice. When I learned that the sequel was from the point of view of the protagonist's younger brother (who was a key source of the laughter the first time around) eight years later, I knew it would be even better. And I was right.


Sonnenblick's writing was much improved and funnier than ever. At one point around page 50 or so, I simply closed the book and smiled in admiration of his cleverness. Although it deals with the serious topic of having cancer as a kid in middle school, he couldn't have addressed it in a more endearing and comical manner. There are plenty of references to Dangerous Pie but you could definitely read After Ever After as a stand alone. If that's what it would take for you to read it, then go for it.